buying new clothes, it’s possible!

buying new clothes

Sales periods are tempting to buy clothes, but do you really need them? Refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes is indeed possible. Here are some tips and tricks to share wholeheartedly.

Sort, reorganize your wardrobe and make room in your mind!

Because clothing style is a unique story that is told between you and your dressing room, you have to ask yourself the right questions before changing your look. Indeed, even if your clothing tastes have evolved , this does not imply a systematic and total renewal of your wardrobe. You will have understood: to change your style, there is no need to part with your clothes and buy new ones.

Take the time, dedicate a few hours to do a rigorous sorting by putting aside all the clothes that seem superfluous, useless to you. You will thus rediscover forgotten outfits and it could even inspire you with some new combinations of colors and unsuspected styles.

Sorting, an essential step

Sweaters, T-shirts, blouses, skirts, shirts, jackets, pants, ties… Take the time to try them on again, combine them: you will certainly not be disappointed.

Take inspiration from Pareto’s law: this will allow you to make room in your closet and in your mind, because in the end, you probably only wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.

During sorting, separate the clothes by grouping:

clothes you no longer wear (outdated, purchase errors, wrong size);

clothes to be repaired ( broken zipper or button to be replaced, etc.);

clothes that are out of season and therefore need to be put away;

the clothes to keep, which will return to their place in your wardrobe.

After sorting, some clothes that have not been worn for a long time can be washed before being put away. Once clean, protect them from light and dust.

The most delicate and those out of season can be stored in covers (preferably cotton).

DIY clothes: transform your old clothes for a more current style!

It takes 2,720 liters of water to produce a T-shirt and 11,000 liters of water for cotton jeans, not to mention the quantity of water necessary for their maintenance during their life cycles. So let’s imagine the water footprint of our clothes on our environment.

Faced with this, before embarking on a complete makeover, ask yourself the right questions before parting with your clothes. Simple, practical and economical solutions will allow you to redefine your look by creating DIY clothes .

While tidying up your dressing room, did you find a skirt bought during a trip abroad, or that beautiful jacket your grandmother wore and gave you? Although it shows some signs of wear, don’t be swayed by the effects of disposable fashion: make it a fashion solution by learning – if necessary – the various techniques to repair, transform, revitalize and extend the life. life of your clothes.

Upcycling   : an eco-responsible trend that brings old clothes back to life

A button to replace, a zipper to repair, a hole to hide with a jewel, a tear or a worn sleeve to cover with a patch, a knot to put on to embellish a jacket, an embroidery, a patchwork with vintage fabric, hand weaving… There is no shortage of DIY clothing ideas for a personal and original style.

To do this, all you need to do is find in your wardrobe some fashion accessories to harmonize with the revisited clothes to feel better in your body, and in your clothes.


In the same vein, exchanging clothes between friends, for example, is another way to refresh your wardrobe. By giving a new owner to yours, you receive new ones without having to buy them. Good plan no?

Today, the alternative movement particularly inspires the fashion revolution , and withdraws from the weight of shopping and the traditional fashion market. From now on, by recycling your clothes, either you opt for a totally different style of clothing, or you keep it, but bring it with a personal note. And the followers of this conscientious approach putting fashion and sustainable ethics in the spotlight are countless.

Proper storage is also better consumption!

Fast fashion and mass-produced luxury distract us from the value of making clothes – especially handcrafted ones – as well as their ecological footprint. Today, no need to buy new clothes to redo and update your wardrobe. After sorting, you can customize your pieces and redefine your new clothing style with bolder colors, patterns or accessories.

Read also: Tidying up efficiently with the KonMari tidying method

But, after tidying up your wardrobe, what to do with your too worn, too small clothes? If you have no one around you to give them to, donate them to an association for a second life: you will thus contribute to a solidarity chain which, at the same time, preserves the environment and creates job.

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